The School of Policy and Governance (SPG), in collaboration with the UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Centre for East and Southern Africa (RCC ESA), successfully organized a capacity-building workshop from August 14-16, 2024, in Kampala, Uganda. This workshop was designed to empower key stakeholders from Uganda, Kenya, and Rwanda with the knowledge and tools to integrate the 1.5°C goal,carbon neutrality and policy interventions into their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) development as they prepared to develop ambitious and robust NDCs 3.0.
Workshop Overview
As part of the Paris Agreement, all countries are required to prepare and maintain their NDCs, which align national climate ambitions with development priorities with the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, many countries, especially in Africa, face challenges in developing and implementing these commitments. The 2023 NDC Synthesis Report noted significant progress, but current efforts still fall short of achieving the 1.5°C target.
This workshop was aimed at addressing these gaps by:
- Presenting the latest key decisions on NDCs, including a roadmap for NDC 3.0 preparation, informed by Global Stocktake (GST) outcomes.
- Building capacity for government stakeholders to develop NDC strategies aligned with their national contexts.
- Integrating GST outcomes, carbon neutrality, and 1.5°C considerations into countries’ NDCs.
- Enhancing the scope and sector coverage of future NDCs,through policy interventions including exploring new areas for climate action.
Participants included National Focal Points, NDC focal points, senior and government officials. The workshop featured presentations, case studies, interactive discussions and group activity that empowered participants to understand the principles of designing and implementing NDC 3.0 strategies that are ambitious and realistic. Additionally online and ongoing support to build a sense of fellowship will be provided to participants as they refine their NDCs after the workshop. This initiative contributes to strengthening climate action frameworks across the region and advancing a sustainable, low-carbon future for the nations in attendance.
Inaugural Session – Opening Remarks
The workshop opened with remarks from Mr. William Otieno Regional Lead, UNFCCC, RCC East and Southern Africa, emphasized the importance of aligning national climate strategies with global goals.
Shreelata Krishnan, Director SPG highlighted SPG’s commitment to empowering leaders in the Global South, marking this workshop as a significant milestone in SPG’s journey. She also highlighted the workshop’s objectives, emphasizing the role of national stakeholders in driving global climate action.
Mrs. Margaret Athieno Mwebesa, National Focal Point, UNFCCC and Commissioner, Climate Change, Republic of Uganda, delivered a powerful address on the critical role of policy and leadership in climate action. This workshop marks a crucial step in equipping policymakers from Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda with the techniques and tools to drive sustainable development and climate resilience.
Day 1 – August 14,2024
Integrating GST Considerations into NDCs
Mr. Lawrence Mashungo, LDCs and LT-LEDS Specialist at UNFCCC RCC ESA, delivered a comprehensive overview of the Global Stocktake outcomes and their implications for NDC development. He shared lessons from previous NDC rounds, providing participants with a clearer understanding of both challenges and opportunities.
The Paris Agreement and NDC Development
Dr. Vaibhav Chaturvedi, Senior Fellow at the Council for Energy, Environment, and Water and SPG Expert from India, explained the NDC development cycle under the Paris Agreement. He also offered guidance on integrating carbon neutrality into NDCs and explored practical strategies to achieve ambitious climate goals.
Day 2 – August 15,2024
Mainstreaming Climate Change into National Development
Dr. Mithika Mwenda, Executive Director of the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance,from Kenya led the sessions on mainstreaming climate change into national development policies and plans. He shared best practices and successful case studies from across Africa, illustrating how climate policies can be effectively integrated into broader development goals.
Action Plan Development – Group Activity
The workshop concluded with a hands-on group activity, where participants were divided into groups. Each group did a SWOT analysis of one sector’s NDCs from each of the countries represented at the workshop. They also collaborated to develop actionable strategies for integrating GST outcomes and carbon neutrality into their NDCs. This session enabled stakeholders to apply workshop learnings to real-world scenarios, ensuring that the outcomes translated into tangible climate actions.