Dr. Balaji Kalluri is a systems engineer turned urban futurist. He describes himself as a global citizen, seasoned professional, multi-disciplinary researcher, an innovator, and a passionate educator. Since 2022, he is serving as an Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies at FLAME University – the pioneer in liberal education in India. Before joining FLAME University, he had a special appointment as Head of Innovations and Senior Fellow (Technology, Innovation, and Society) in Tamil Nadu’s e-Governance Agency, Research & Innovation consultant in DBI Denmark, and Researcher at Future Cities Laboratory in ETH Zurich. He is the founding director of KUDOS, a bespoke urban innovation studio at FLAME University where he is leading the mission to reimagine and transform ‘the Future of Urban X’ to drive large-scale just, resilient and sustainable transition. He has also co-founded CVBi – the collective voices for buildings in India, an independent collaborative knowledge cluster to advance the building construction sector in India. His experience spans across strategic foresights, innovation management, consulting, research, engineering and education. He is a recipient of several global awards, including the prestigious Innovation Fund Denmark’s post-doctoral fellowship (2019), Singapore Ministry of Education doctoral scholarship (2013), and ‘Redefining education through creativity in India’ awardee of the Council for Creative Education Finland (2023). He holds a PhD in Building Science from National University of Singapore (2017), Masters in Microelectronics Engineering from Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences Pilani (2009), and Bachelors in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Anna University (2006). He has a very good record of publications in high-impact, and peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, and book chapters. Before returning to India in 2021, he lived, worked, and traveled across 40 global cities, 11 nations and 3 continents. During his spare time, he enjoys volunteering in community service activities, and teaching Vedas for spiritual aspirants through Sri Sathya Sai Vedic Society Singapore.